"Imagining a Future Without Racism, Intolerance, Prejudice or Xenophobia"

The Australian community action kit on Racism


This kit is an action-orientated list of ways in which your community or group can contribute towards the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, which is to be held in Durban, South Africa, from 31 August to 7 September, 2001.

The World Conference offers Australians an opportunity to discuss and explore issues of racism in Australia and show our solidarity with the victims of racism around the world – from Rwanda to South Africa, from Fiji to Myanmar, from Guatemala to Brazil and from the USA to Germany.

We urge you to join with us in promoting the slogan for the World Conference1

"United to Combat Racism - Equality, Justice, Dignity"

The aims of this kit are:

  • to highlight the impact of racism on ordinary people, and to promote understanding, tolerance and respect for the rights of others, regardless of their colour, race, nationality or ethnic background, as a basic human right;
  • to share ideas on how to work with other groups and communities around Australia and around the world;
  • to suggest practical steps your group or community can take to support the World Conference;
  • to call on governments at all levels together with community groups, to take active steps to support the World Conference and its aims, both in Australia and worldwide.

In this Kit you will find:

Information on racism and on the World Conference;

Action Sheets for:

  • how to organize a local community meeting to promote the World Conference
  • how to approach your local council to become involved in the World Conference
  • how to write letters to government
  • how to seek the support of your local MP
  • how to contact the media
  • how to involve local youth in promoting the anti-racism message
  • how to organize community events such as seminars, film nights, and cultural events
  • how to address issues of women and racism
  • action feedback sheet.

    Click below to move to the following pages of the kit:

    1. Racism
    2. Why is Racism a Human Rights Issue?
    3. Why is the World Conference so important?
    4. Action Kit

    Return to the top of this page

  1. This kit is supported by the following organisations (in alphabetical order) in April 2001: Amnesty International Australia, Australian Catholic Social Justice Council, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights, Coalition Against Racism WA, Human Rights Council of Australia Inc., Quaker Service Australia, The Religious Society of Friends in Australia (Quakers),Western Australians for Racial Equality, WA Social Justice Commission - Uniting Church in Australia.