
ALHR Activities

Issues for UN Human Rights Committee Periodic Review

Date 7 August 2012
Subject International Treaties and Domestic Implementation
Type Submission
Description In 2013 the UN Human Rights Committee will conduct its Sixth Periodic Report of Australia, reviewing Australia?s compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). In preparation for the review, the Committee will ask the Government to respond to a list of issues, which a coalition of Australian NGOs, including ALHR, have contributed to through a joint submission, released in July.

The issues covered in the submission are based on data submitted by 44 NGOs who responded to a survey of issues sent out last month. The submission has been jointly prepared by over 20 NGOs and each section has been written or reviewed by an organisation specialising in related issues. The submission was coordinated by the National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC) and Kingsford Legal Centre (KLC), and has been endorsed by some 95 human rights and community organisations across Australia!

ALHR was involved as a respondent to the survey, and contributed to the sections on:

? Implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
? Federal Charter of Rights
? Comprehensive federal anti-discrimination legislation

You can access the Report by clicking on the link below

Joint Australian NGO Submission to UN HRC (4.74 Mb)

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